District Heating 2023

3rd Forum on Solutions for District Heating and Cooling

Osijek, The Osijek Vicariate, 14 and 15 September 2023

Towards the Future of Heating...

The Paris Agreement, the European Green Plan, the 'Ready for 55' Package and ending the European Union's dependence on Russian fossil fuels are some of the challenges currently facing energy and power sector. Consequently, the district heating systems, that is, the more or less centralized supply of thermal energy, should also be decarbonized.

How to cover the needs for heat from renewable sources, which projects are being implemented and planned in the field of district heating, and which are the modern technologies, products and services for the production, distribution and supply of thermal energy are questions that have been answered for the third year in a row by the District Heating - Forum on District Heating and Cooling which was held in Osijek on 14 and 15 September 2023.

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